For You and Me: A Modern Apartment Interior for A Young Family

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For You and Me is an apartment with a modern interior designed by Tobi Architects. This apartment is located in RC Panorama, Ukraine with 88-meters square for the total area. The idea is about creating a comfortable and warm apartment interior with a modern design for a young family.


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The interior is made based on the modernity and functionality lifestyle of the young family. It has a comfortable and also warm atmosphere in the whole areas The visual expressiveness is reached by using a lot of shades.



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The bathroom and wardrobe are designed in a cold gray-green color together with the bookshelves. There is also a place for drying machine, washing machine, a boiler in a long row of the cabinets. The light monophonic parquet comes in the carpet, sofa, and also dark textile curtains.



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The kitchen is minimalist with hinged white cabinets that almost can’t be seen on the white wall. The bar and dining table are combined with the working area, creating a good spot to enjoy beautiful views of Dnieper River.



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The wall has a unique accent which is applied with Arte wallpaper and a graphic pattern inside the bedroom. In the bathroom, the black tiles repeat the wallpaper picture in the bedroom. The bathtub and washbasin are combined with the wood paneling and countertop.

Via tobiarchitects

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3045
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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