Symantec Chengdu: A Modern Oasis Landscape in Dense Urban Location

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Symantec Chengdu is designed by SWA in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. It is a modern oasis landscape design for the Symantec’s research and development complex in a dense urban location. Previously, the landscape site was inactive and also banal. That’s why SWA tries to reinvigorate the site by connecting the building program and the site for the larger city around it.

Modern Oasis

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Symantec Chengdu offers a modern oasis for the Chengdu citizens. It is a kind of an awesome oasis with a modern design style in the middle of the dense corporate complex. The image of the modern building and the green look on the site is designed well according to the key infrastructural elements.


Landscape Design

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The whole design landscape of Symantec Chengdu creates a brocade. With the site and building program, this area becomes a modern oasis which is comfortable for everyone in the city. The dense urban location also becomes a consideration for the architect to make the best infrastructure.


Natural Elements

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Even though this site is located in the middle of an urban area, the designer doesn’t want to miss a good opportunity to make it more natural. Some of the natural elements are decorated Symantec Chengdu awesomely, such as green plants, big rocks, stone, and even wood material for the pathway.

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The big white rocks become the interesting things on Symantec Chengdu. There are several rocks which are used to add a natural design together with other elements, especially the stones. The green plants are completing the natural design for this modern oasis.

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Pathways are unique things from Symantec Chengdu. It is designed with wood material and irregular shape. A straight pathway is too regular for this oasis. The irregular design is so inviting for the people to walk on it and enjoy the natural elements around it.


Water Filtration Garden

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The large water filtration garden on Symantec Chengdu is used to reduce the stormwater runoff from the site. It gives the best and natural solution for this common problem that the city has. An awesome idea for this oasis in the urban area.


Roof Garden

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A roof garden on Symantec Chengdu is designed intricately to connect the site and location of the SWA’s great design. This roof garden offers an awesome view of the site, especially when night comes and the lights start to brighten the whole site area.

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The roof garden also makes urban outdoor spaces for the people. These spaces give environmentally sensitive and functional area that show how one-hectare site can be a great place in China as an urban oasis in the middle of big buildings.

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Via swagroup

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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