The Badminton School: A 90 Bed Boarding House in Bristol’s Conservation Area

The Badminton School A 90 Bed Boarding House In Bristols Conservation Area 5

The Badminton School is Mitchell Taylor Workshop project under Invisible Studio. It is a boarding house located in a conservation area on the Clifton Downs, Bristol.

The Badminton School

The Badminton School A 90 Bed Boarding House In Bristols Conservation Area 5

The Badminton School is a 90-bed boarding house with an implicit environmental objective.

The Badminton School A 90 Bed Boarding House In Bristols Conservation Area 4

The building is powered and heated by a combination of heat and power plant as well as super insulated with clear natural ventilation paths.

The Badminton School A 90 Bed Boarding House In Bristols Conservation Area 3

This system was installed across exposed thermal mass and shaded to fend off overheating.

The Facade

The Badminton School A 90 Bed Boarding House In Bristols Conservation Area 2


The Badminton School A 90 Bed Boarding House In Bristols Conservation Area 1

The building façade displays untreated Siberian Larch and an invisible green roof to create habitats in an urban context.

Via Invisible Studio

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Alana Groom

Alana Groom

Total posts created: 367
“An idea is salvation by imagination.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

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