Zibo Culture Center: The Knowledge Center in Zibo, China

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Zibo Cultural Center Construction Leading Group appointed Logon Architecture to design Zibo Culture Center. Located in Zibo, Shandong, China, the culture and education facility was designed on a 61,800 m2 site area.

Zibo Culture Center

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Consisted of 3 individual building units, Zibo Cultural Center is a knowledge center and can be found in the northern part of the Culture Forum platform.

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This knowledge center provides a library with reading rooms, bookstore, book archives, administration offices, and a media room.

Flexible Floor Plan

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Zibo Cultural Center was designed in a flexible way so that the floor plans can be adjusted in accordance with future needs. For instance, there is the archive center that can be functioned as a storage room among other functions.

The Space Arrangement

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Aside from owning a double function archive center, the building comes with the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall which is divided horizontally into two core areas; public exhibition spaces on the first and second floor, while meeting and independent presentation areas occupying the third floor.

Via Logon Architecture

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Alana Groom

Alana Groom

Total posts created: 367
“An idea is salvation by imagination.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

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