University of Bedfordshire New Library: A Tall Library Building with A Strong Civic Presence

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It becomes an important project for the University of Bedfordshire to construct a new library in the on-going regeneration, especially for the town center campus located in Luton. The building is tall and it has a strong civic presence. The purpose of University of Bedfordshire new library is about supporting the institutional and academic performance improvement.


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University of Bedfordshire new library can minimize the future phases impact for the student experience. The focal point is located between the new residential accommodation and academic space as a brand-new facility.



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The University of Bedfordshire has consulted with the students and compare the new library schemes in worldwide and also the UK. By viewing those schemes, this library can be one of the best libraries with the best facilities and standard.



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The site location is good but it is also challenging. The footprint creates the building looks tall. The proposed scheme makes the building has silent study spaces on the upper floor in the ‘study wall’. It fulfills the student’s request for quiet and silent working environments.



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University of Bedfordshire new library is open for 24 hours. This building shows the aspiration of the University for the serious, efficient, and scholarly facility. The facilities support and also enable the academic performance.



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The concrete frame is cad by the modular precast elements that combine to make a civic presence which is strong. The double height entrance space shows the street-scape. This entrance also contains a suspended mezzanine level, so the student can meet their academic support team easily.

Via mcwarchitects

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3045
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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