Creek View: Small House with A Romantic Creek View in A Redwood Forest

Creek View 11

This house is located in a redwood forest with a romantic creek. This romantic creek surrounds a small promontory of this house, creates an awesome view for everyone inside the house. Robert Carver and Mary Ann Gabriele Schicketanz are the designers for this beautiful project. They designed this houses between some large redwood trees to support the wings and the core.


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Creek View 6

The redwood forest becomes the main landscape of this house. The deck, outdoor staircase, and also the lights create their own story outside the house. The deck area becomes a good place to enjoy the natural view of the forest.



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The steel platform is built on the pier, footings the cantilevers between some of the large redwood trees. This way will support the five single-story wings and also the two-story core for each housing a deck or a room inside the house.



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The front door looks like a window shade. The lights are hidden to create a romantic view, supporting the romantic creek too. You need to step on the staircase first before you reach this door. The staircase is beautiful too because of the lights decoration.


Living Room

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Creek View 5

The living room is located on the ground floor of the house. This room feels so warm because of the wood color from the floor and furniture materials. At the corner of the room, there is a small window offers an amazing view of the forest. Behind the wall, there is a small staircase to the upstairs.



Creek View 1

The kitchen is small but it is comfortable enough to make some delicious food in it. The storage comes in the same wood color with the floor too. The dining area is located in the same area with the kitchen, located in the corner of the room.


Dining Room

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The dining room is designed to give everyone in the house a comfortable atmosphere while they are eating. The windows on the room corner show a beautiful view from the forest. The chair and table are made of the best wood material ever,



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Creek View 8

The bedroom is full of windows, not only on the wall but also on the ceiling of the roof. When the owner lies on the bed, the beautiful view of big trees in the forest and the sky can be seen clearly. This room is designed in a beautiful look and also in a comfortable atmosphere for sleeping.

Via studiocarver

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3045
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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