Vendyel Theatre A Unique And Cultural Axis Blended With Surrounding Environment 8

Vendsyssel Theatre: A Unique and Cultural Axis Blended with Surrounding Environment

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects was responsible to construct a cultural building called Vendsyssel Theatre. Located in Hjørring, Denmark, the theatre represents a unique, cultural axis that can be enjoyed by local citizens and visitors alike. With the design, the firm intended to make the building blend into the surrounding environment despite its vibrant and eye-catchy design.

IA House 6

iA_house: Modern and Irregular House in Madrid

Once you see the iA_house, you will get more interested to have a tour inside this house. David Landinez Gonzalez and Monica Gonzalez Rey have built a big modern and irregular house in a residential area. This house is a kind of a longhouse which is made based on the owner’s need. The owner needs a big house with a lot of free spaces along the two streets around the house. That’s why the architects try to make a good orientation for this house using the interior and exterior. Let’s find out more about this modern house.

Hudson Valley 12

Hudson Valley: Before and After Mid-Century Home

The mid-century home of Hudson Valley is the 1800-square-foot size of a home in the middle of Hudson Valley. That’s why this home is called by the name of the valley. Once, this awesome property is made in 1962 by Roberta Thrun for her family as the best family place. After some years, the last owner wants to make another beautiful memory in this house. Mehta and Schori from GRT Architects are the main people who in charge to restore the memory of the owner’s family. Both of them make a lot of redesigns in a simple way but gives the best effect on the architecture. Here are before and after pictures of this beautiful home.

Blue Bottle Coffee Sangenjaya Cafe 5

Blue Bottle Coffee Sangenjaya Cafe by Schemata Architects

If you have a good time to come to Japan, you need to see this awesome Cafe. Blue Bottle Coffee Sangenjaya Cafe is a coffee cafe which is located in Sangenjaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. It is built by the Schemata Architects and Jo Nagasaka is the man in charge of this cafe. The Blue Bottle Coffee Sangenjaya Cafe is a project in 2017 with 100 meters square of large. At first, this cafe was a 50 years old building with a low-rise type near the Sangenjaya Station.

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Coldwater Canyon Project by Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects

The Coldwater Canyon is a project in 2016 of Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects. The project is located in Beverly Hills, United States. The partner projects for this cool house are Takashi Yanai and FAIA and then the main project architects are Megan Lawler and AIA. What makes this kind of hillside property is so special? Just like its name, the Coldwater Canyon is a house with a lot of natural accents and oasis atmosphere.