Evans Court: Modern Private Home with An American-Style Gated Community

Evans Court 2

Evan Court is a modern private home project by FGR Architects. The main goal of this home project is about creating a strong connection between all elements like landscape, gardens, and also the spaces with the American-style gated community.


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The main important connection in Evans Court is about the individual private gardens with the terrace. This terrace can be one of the best places in this home to enjoy the gardens and also the landscape too around the site.



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The landscape around Evans Court has an important role to strengthen the outdoor and exterior spaces. With open plan living areas, everyone in this court can see the awesome landscape with the beautiful skyline too.



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Evans Court 5

These townhouses are currently under construction while three of them are already finished. The final result of construction makes them truly look like private homes, especially with its unique America style on its interior and exterior.



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Evans Court 3

Evans Court is dominated by three main colors, white, grey, and also black. Those colors can be seen in all parts of the house such as furniture, wall, staircase, door, and even windows. At the entrance area, a big pot of tree is added to create a fresh accent.



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Evans Court 1

Evans Courts offers two best places to have a good time, a balcony and a pool. From the balcony, a clear and fresh view can be enjoyed while sitting and drinking a cup of coffee. Right on the backside of the building, there is a pool with a deck, an awesome place to have an outside dinner time.

Via fgrarchitects

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3128
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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