Barcode House: A Large Villa and Studio with A Timber Structure

Barcode House 8

Completed in 2005 by MVRDV, Barcode House stretches across two rectangular building plots in Munich, Germany. This large villa and studio form a barcode collage of nine individual units. It has been decided that timber is chosen as the main material for the house structure instead of concrete.


Barcode House 1

Barcode House 2

The building’s programmatic arrangement is expressed visually, informed by the owners’ daily routine. Each ‘strip’ of this house can accommodate a separate programmatic element or activity with an idiosyncrasy that is accentuated by distinctive exterior and interior material applications.



Barcode House 3

Barcode House 4

Barcode House 5

This house has a large, heavy volume that is divided into ten sections. Nine of these sections are incorporated into the proposed building envelope. Between two envelopes, there is a curtain that crosses over the 6-m wide gap. This curtain unifies the house elements to create a single entity. Each strip has a unique atmosphere that is in contrast to the adjacent strips.



Barcode House 6

Barcode House 7

The interior has a spatial configuration that is based upon the enfilade’s classical concept. The interaction of clear, full-size spaces combines with small side rooms, creating a domestic environment with a balance between privacy and openness.

A visual and spatial connection between the elements’ sequence can be created thanks to the prominent central axis which also offers voyeuristic moments along the villa’s length.



Barcode House 8

It is a house that also prioritizes sustainability, designed to be flexible and welcoming for the multi-family or live-work conditions. The term of sustainability in this project is about a long-lasting house that resulted from a good and awesome design.


Barcode House Gallery


Photography: MVRDV

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Karin Hoover

Karin Hoover

Total posts created: 3045
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

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