Jackson Residence 9

Jackson Residence: Elegant and Calm Retreat with Extraordinary Views of the Landscape

Jackson Residence is designed with full integration with its sloping site, including the use of planted roos and some natural materials. Both of the roofs and those materials can complement the textures and colors of the landscape around the house. The site of this house is known as a place with more rustic architecture and the crisp volumes with a thin roof can define a new architecture for this place.

Tucuna Apartment 2

Tucuna Apartment: Brick and Wooden Walls in A Modern Apartment with Black Kitchen

Tucuna Apartment has a special kitchen designed by the architect. This kitchen contrasts with the other rooms in this apartment because of the color. When other rooms are designed with a beautiful look comes from the wooden furniture and bright colors, this kitchen has a stronger character. The black kitchen set and cabinet are combined with the wooden rack, creating a unique kitchen which is different from others.