What Should You Consider When Installing a Gas Hot Water System in Your Home?

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Water heating is the second-largest energy-consuming activity in average Australian homes. Over half of the hot water is used in the bathroom, the rest being used in kitchen and laundry rooms. With the right water heating system, you can have access to hot water at all times and also save up on energy costs.

Gas water heaters are Australia’s most common water heaters and account for 48% of the market. Dux, Aquamax, Rheem, Vulcan are some popular brands offering gas hot water systems in Australia. Know more here.

If looking to install or upgrade an existing gas water heating system, this article will help to simplify the process of selecting a suitable gas hot water system.

What to Consider When Installing a Gas Hot Water System in Your Home

Water Requirement

How much water will you or your family need? You could invest in a small tank of 100 to 165 liters. Or, if you need more water, you can opt for a large tank with a capacity of up to 400 liters.

Another factor you may look into is the recovery rate of gas heaters. 4-star gas heaters using low-level fuels can burn the gas twice and deliver more water than its capacity in the first hour. Depending on the recovery rate, gas heaters can be an efficient addition to your home.


Gas heaters typically fall in the mid-range of hot water systems. It would help if you looked into both the tank’s cost and the running cost of the water heater. You could browse through homegrown brand options like Dux, Vulcan, Aquamax, and Rheem. For top brands, and gas heater comparisons, click to know more here.

Tank Location

Gas water heaters are ideally installed outdoors to deal with venting issues. Though ensure there is not a lot of distance between the tap and hot water system. The increased distance can result in increased consumption of gas and water.


Gas water heaters have a burner located at the bottom of the storage tank. A burning flame ignites the main burner through which heat is transferred to the bottom of the cylinder. Consult with a professional when opting for a gas heater if you stay in areas with cold climates.

It is difficult to insulate the point where the burner flame meets the tank, resulting in heat loss, rendering the water heater inefficient in cold climates.


Investing in water heating solutions can be expensive, along with maintenance costs, ensure you purchase a system that offers a good warranty scheme on its products. Gas heaters usually come with separate warranties on the different parts of the heater.

These warranties can range anywhere from 7 to 12 years, depending on the brand. For example, the Aquamax brand provides a 12-year warranty on its systems.

Energy Performance Requirement

According to the Department of Industry, Science, Energy, and Resources of the Australian Government, gas storage water heaters and gas instantaneous water heaters must meet the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). The energy rating labels displayed on gas heaters are industry-specific and not controlled by the government.

When installing a gas water system, ensure the model you choose complies with the regulations set by the government. Seek out professional help in case of any concerns.

Gas hot water systems are one of the best water heating solutions available in the marketplace regarding efficiency and environmental impact. They fall under the mid-range category of water heaters cost-wise but coupled with same-day hot water service installation and repairs; they make for a good investment in the long run. You can know more here about top brand gas heaters in Australia.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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