Giant Interactive Headquarters: A Self-Sustaining Corporate Campus Combining Ecological Park and Living Library

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SWA Group was in charge of site planning and landscape architecture of Giant Interactive Headquarters. Located in Shanghai, the 45-acre corporate campus combines the concept of an ecological park and living library. Meanwhile, this Giant Interactive Headquarters project was a collaborative project between SWA and Morphosis Architects.

Giant Interactive Headquarters

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Giant Interactive Headquarters applies a design concept that blurs the distinction between the structure and the ground plane.

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This concept weaves wetland habitats and water altogether with a folded green roof of the main building design.

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The site is divided into several functions, including park systems, residences, and industrial uses.

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The site itself presented a unique challenge when it comes to blending the existing landscape and building.

Corporate Campus in a Large Urban Environment

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The landscape architects focused on self-sustainability. Therefore, they created a site that incorporates both needs of the local ecology and corporate environment.

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With self-sustainability in mind, they were able to establish a cohesive corporate campus in a large urban environment.

The Project Highlights

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The project dealt with several vitals. The first was the master plan in which the architect developed a sound structure around hydrological processes that filter, circulate, and clean water diverted from the adjacent irrigation canal.

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The plan was also to salvage and relocate 90% of existing trees from former tree farm site.

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The firm also utilized strategic placement of landforms within the manmade lake to provide nesting grounds for waterfowl. This also will help protect them from predators.

Via SWA Group

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Alana Groom

Alana Groom

Total posts created: 367
“An idea is salvation by imagination.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

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