Encountered a Skunk? Here’s How to Get Rid of It in 5 Simple Steps

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Having a skunk problem around your home can present a whole host of both health and safety issues to you, your family, and friends. Besides the threat of being sprayed with their noxious odor, skunks are also known to carry rabies as well as other diseases that can be of serious harm to your family and pets. If the thought of dealing with one of these pests leaves you less than enthusiastic, an expert might be able to help.

Not only can skunks knock over garbage cans and tear open trash bags to help themselves to whatever is inside, but the resulting trash can also attract other vermin and insects. Having these problems is a good time to visit Animal Control Specialists. The good news in all of this is that by taking a few simple steps you can force skunks to look elsewhere for hiding places and food by making your home more inhospitable to these furry creatures.

How to Rid Your Property of Skunks by Sprucing Up Your Home

The first step in getting rid of skunks around your home is to make it a less-appealing target. This can be done by following these steps.

  1. Remove all food sources from around your home. These include low-hanging bird feeders and pet food bowls. If you need to feed your pet outside, remove the bowl after they are done with their meals,
  2. Seal all garbage cans with tight-fitting, lockable lids. If needed, you can also have chains welded to the sides of your cans or wraps the chains around the handles to be laid across the top when closed and locked with a padlock.
  3. Eliminate infestations of insects. These only serve as food for skunks.
  4. Remove all piles of wood, brush, or debris around your property that could serve as a hiding place for skunks.
  5. If you have crawl spaces or other openings in or around your home, use wire mesh to seal them. Skunks love basements and other enclosed areas to hide in. After you have eliminated food sources and hiding spaces, the chances are good that your skunk problem will disappear. If not, visit animal control specialists who can assist homeowners by placing traps for skunks, and when they have caught one they will remove it humanely.

Despite your best efforts, a skunk problem may not be over. You can put the unwelcome mat out by using an effective skunk repellent and other deterrents.

Types and Uses of Skunk Repellents

Spunk repellents come in two forms: liquid and granular. Both are very easy to use and made of all-natural ingredients that are non-toxic to humans and pets. All you need to do to use these repellents is to spray or sprinkle them around your property, and the smell, taste, and touch of the compound will drive skunks away. These repellents are nearly all highly effective and will continue to work with only a few reapplications throughout the year.

Another form of skunk repellent uses a motion detector sprinkler that scares skunks to stay away. Once a sensor detects the body warmth of the animal, it sprays water that creates a ticking sound, scaring the animal away. The combination of noise, motion, and the spray of repellent makes skunks turn tail, run away, and making it reluctant to return to your property. Along with sprucing up your yard, your home will be practically all the skunk repellent you need to be rodent-free all year long.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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