Roofr Roofing Software: New Features, Tips, & Tricks!

Roofs of old houses with roof windows and orange roof tiles in German city
Roofs of old houses with roof windows and orange roof tiles in German city

Roofr comes with many incredible features to streamline your roofing process and maximize sales for your business. And the great thing about this platform is that it’s always rolling out new features to bring you the best.

In this article, we will look at new Roofr features and also outline various tricks and tips to use the platform to maximize impact.

Roofr as a software

Roofr, the #1 roofing contractor software for 2022 for estimates & schedules, is serving many roofers thanks to its incredible features. It’s cost-effective, easily usable, and cross-platform while also being flexible and capable of serving roofing businesses of all sizes.

You can use this tool from your area of preference since it is web-based, meaning you can check your existing projects, modify them, and even add new ones from anywhere. Additionally, you can view the budget of each project and its timeline at any time.

Roofr’s new features

In addition to its great existing features, Roofr has the following new features to make your experience even better.

Creating jobs

This new Roofr feature enables you to create jobs, helping you track multiple projects. Moreover, you can assign a given task to your team.

Follow these steps to create a job:

  1. Login into your Roofr account
  2. Locate “Jobs” on your dashboard and hit it
  3. Select “New Job”
  4. Enter the job’s address
  5. Provide the job details and tap “Save”
  6. All your jobs appear on screen, including job address, assignee, customer, proposals, and measurements

To access more services concerning a given job:

  1. Look for three buttons at the end of your job
  2. Select either the option for editing the job, ordering a report, creating a DIY report, or creating a proposal

Guide for creating a proposal:

  1. After hitting the create proposal option in the “More” services column, provide a report to be used
  2. Select a template
  3. Roofr generates the project’s roofing estimate
  4. Once your proposal is ready, hit the “Send to Customer” button in the top-left corner
  5. Sign the proposal (you can download it in a PDF format)

Manage customer records

You can also add and search for customers. This feature facilitates the proper filing and organization of your customers.

To search for an existing customer:

  1. Login to your Roofr account
  2. Hit “Customers” on the dashboard’s navigation bar
  3. Enter the name of the customer of interest into the text box and hit the search icon next to it
  4. Click on your customer’s name to see their details, including email, name, phone number, and the assignee left to complete tasks
  5. You can also view jobs associated with that specific customer and proposals

To create a new customer:

  1. Tap “Customers” on your account’s dashboard
  2. Click “New Customer” at the top left corner of your dashboard
  3. Provide the customer’s details
  4. A pop up confirming successful registration will appear

To get rid of a customer and their records or reassign them:

  1. Use the customer’s name to search for them
  2. On the column showing the customer’s details, hit the three dots and select the delete or reassign option

All these services are provided in a single place without you having to shift from one software to another.

CompanyCam integration

Connecting Roofr and CompanyCam enables information syncing between the two apps.

To connect them:

  1. Start up Roofr. At the top corner of your dashboard, hit your roofing company’s name
  2. On the dropdown that appears, tap “View Profile”
  3. From the top navigation that appears, select Company profile
  4. Locate CompanyCam at the bottom of the page and tap “Authorize”
  5. Sign into your CompanyCam account
  6. A connection will then be established

To automatically sync the two applications:

On your CompanyCam account

  1. After logging in, tap “Projects”, followed by “New Project”
  2. Select the building’s address that requires roofing and tap “Create Project”

On Roofr

  1. Hit “Jobs” on the dashboard
  2. Tap “New Job”
  3. Provide the job’s address in the CompanyCam account
  4. Select the option “Create from CompanyCam”
  5. Choose a CompanyCam linked with your address and hit “Continue”
  6. Select a method to start the new job. Options available are “Order Roofr Report”, “Create DIY Report”, and “Create Proposal”. If you don’t see the project of choice on CompanyCam, verify its name or address
  7. Tap “Measurements” on Roofr’s dashboard
  8. Select “Order Report”
  9. Enter your CompanyCam project name or address where you want to include the Roofr report
  10. Select the CompanyCam project that matches your “Job”
  11. Follow the steps to get a Roofr report
  12. Upon completion, you can see the report in the “Documents” section in CompanyCam and the “Measurements” section of Roofr

Integrating your Roofr proposal with CompanyCam:

  1. Hit Proposal on the Roofr’s dashboard
  2. Tap “New Proposal”
  3. Choose the Roofr report you used while creating the CompanyCam project. However, you can also tap “Create Without Measurement”
  4. If you chose a Roofr report, skip to the next step. Otherwise, enter the job’s address to attach to your proposal. Then select a job matching your CompanyCam project where you want to sync your project
  5. Choose this project’s template. If you don’t wish to use a template, hit “Create Without Template”
  6. Create a proposal
  7. Upon completion, tap “Preview and Send”
  8. If the customer’s information is not available, add it
  9. Tap “Send to Customer”
  10. Enter a note in the email and tap “Send Proposal”
  11. Your proposal automatically syncs to CompanyCam after the customer reviews and e-signs it

Viewing a Roofr proposal on CompanyCam:

  1. Launch CompanyCam
  2. Open the project containing the matching address with the signed proposal
  3. Select “Documents”
  4. View your proposal


Creating proposals on a phone

This new feature allows you to create proposals and submit them to clients while on a smartphone.

  1. Launch Roofr
  2. Click on the three lines at your screen’s top left to open the navigation bar
  3. Tap “Measurements”
  4. All your measurements appear
  5. On the measurement you want to use, hit the three dots at the end
  6. Tap the “Create a Proposal” option
  7. Select a template
  8. A cost estimate for the roofing process pops up
  9. Enter the customer’s information
  10. Your proposal is ready for review
  11. Tap on the dropdown near “Send” and hit “Sign now”
  12. Provide notes and signature and hit “Sign now”
  13. Your proposal is sent to your customer


Roofr software keeps on getting better. New amazing features are always coming up to ensure you use and interact with the software to your satisfaction. Currently, new features include CompanyCam integration, creating jobs, and managing customer records.

In addition to the above features, it’s cost-effective and usable. Use Roofr and your business results will improve significantly, with increased profits coming your way.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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