Proven Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable

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Most people are environmentally conscious in some way. It means they avoid using straws, recycle when they can, and try to use less electricity when possible. Reducing your carbon footprint is important to the future of the Earth, but being environmentally conscious means doing more than simply avoiding straws. One way you can be more environmentally conscious is by turning your house green. To do this, there are some proven ways to make your home more sustainable that you might be interested in.

1. Solar Panels

Dirty energy is the number one contributor to climate change. In America, the vast majority of our energy comes from non-renewable sources such as coal and natural gas because they’re relatively cheap at this time. However, it’s much better for the environment in the long term to invest in solar panels for your house so that you can power your appliances with a cleaner source of energy. When discussing energy savings with Skyline Solar, it becomes clear that not only is this eco-friendly, but it’s also budget-friendly in the long run. Of course, having solar panels installed does need a starting investment. However, after that, you can enjoy knowing you’re doing your part to preserve the environment all while reducing maintenance costs and getting much lower energy bills than ever before.

2. Quality Insulation

Quality insulation is very important for a green home. During the winter, your house becomes cooler and sometimes drafty without it, and when summer rolls around, you’ll need to amp up your AC in order to stay comfortable. Installing top-of-the-line insulation will not only keep your home warmer during the colder months, and cooler during the warmer ones, but it’ll also save you money on energy costs as well. Installing windows and doors that are energy efficient is a good first step to doing this. However, investing in wall insulation, ceiling insulation, and flooring insulation will also help you save on energy costs and do your part to reduce carbon emissions. By using less energy, you’ll be helping the environment even if you do nothing else.

3. Reducing Water Usage

The way a lot of people use water in their homes is pretty wasteful. When it comes to water conservation, you should start with the most obvious. Showers use far less water than baths, so unless you need to take baths due to health reasons, just take a shower instead. For other appliances in your home, only run the dishwasher when it’s full, and make sure to turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shaving. You can also invest in water-saving appliances like toilets and washing machines for your home. If you have a green thumb, the way to provide your plants with enough water while still being environmentally conscious is to use a drip irrigation system for your yard.

4. Composting

Food waste is a major issue in America. One of the reasons why is because most people put their food scraps in the trash without thinking about it. This not only increases the amount of garbage you have to take out on a regular basis, but it also increases your chances of getting rats and other pests that can infest your home. However, from a sustainability standpoint, composting is a great thing to do for the environment. With a compost bin in your backyard, you can turn your food scraps into a nutrient-rich fertilizer that will help your plants grow better and healthier. By getting rid of food scraps, you’ll be helping out with environmental issues such as landfill space and methane emissions from decomposing garbage. You can even DIY your own composting bin for half the price, and doing so will only require a little bit of work.

5. Avoid Single-Use Packaging

Many people are unaware that single-use packaging is a major issue for the environment. Straws, plastic cutlery, and styrofoam cups are all examples of this type of consumerism because not only do they have to be made but also have to be disposed of after being used for only one time. Once again, composting is a great way to tackle this issue, but there are other measures you can take as well. Consider getting a fabric shopping bag to store all your groceries in, a ceramic or glass bowl you can use to store your salads in, and generally, do whatever you can to avoid single-use packaging. Even cardboard boxes – while degradable, leave a footprint due to the way they’re made. It takes a little bit more time to prepare for this type of packaging, but it’ll definitely reduce the amount of waste that goes into your garbage bin.

Conserving energy and keeping your home more sustainable aren’t difficult things to do. In fact, they’re pretty simple. All it takes is a little bit of planning on your end and you’ll be able to help the environment in a way that doesn’t require much effort on your part at all.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2425
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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