Where Should Air Purifiers Be Placed in Every Room?

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We’ve been aware of the negative impact of air pollution on our health for some time. However, not so long ago, it turned out that indoor air quality is similarly crucial to how we breathe and function. That’s why air purifiers that clean the air at home gained such tremendous popularity.

They influence our health significantly. Indoor air cleaning has become even more vital during the COVID-19 pandemic when we spend most of our time at home. It goes without saying that you should get one if you want to effectively get rid of dust and pollen. However, when deciding on that investment, questions start to pop up. Which one should I choose, and how can I know where to put it in each room? In order to figure that out, continue reading.

Next to the Source of Unpleasant Smell

It all depends on the reasons for your purchase. If you’re not fond of smoking and your partner is still struggling to quit, place an air purifier next to his favorite smoking spot. Similarly, if your neighbor smokes, you can put it next to the vent so the particles of fresh air would impede the cigarette smoke ones.

Most significantly, there is a strong probability that you would have a different air purifier in each room. If you still wonder which one would be the best option for you, visit https://homeairguides.com and check the best air purifiers for smoke and more. It’s crucial to distinguish various types of air purifiers as they use various types of technology. In the case of unpleasant smoke, the best option would be an air purifier that combines HEPA technology with gas and odor filters.

In the Bedroom

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom. It’s a fantastic idea to improve the quality of sleep by placing an air purifier there. Moreover, it can be a gamechanger if you have asthma or any allergies.

However, if you decided to place an air purifier in the bedroom, you should remember some golden rules to get the best value for your money. Firstly, it should never be too close to your bed to avoid drafts. It would be best if you placed it approximately 8 feet from the head of your bed. Moreover, precise placement depends on your air purifier model. For example, some air purifiers demand to be put in the middle of the room for better filtration.

In the Place With the Highest Airflow

Your air purifier can help you get rid of the pollution that gets inside your room. Hence, placing an air purifier near a window or next to the doorway is a great idea to quickly filter the air.

The reason for placing an air purifier in the entry is simple – when the air moves and sneaks into the living room that you often draught, it comes along with dust from the street, car pollutants, or other unwanted chemicals. If you want to breathe fresh air in the whole house – put it next to the place where airflow is the highest.

In the Bathroom

The bathroom is the place where we experience most of the irritating odors and mold. Hence, it’s a great idea to clean air in there with the air purifier as well. However, it would be best to keep in mind a few dos and don’ts when you decide to do so. Firstly, air purifiers don’t fancy places with high humidity.

You should make sure that the one you choose is designed especially for bathrooms if you don’t want to pay extremely high energy bills. Another good idea is to turn on an air purifier at night when nobody is showering anymore, as it decreases the filter’s effectiveness.

Secondly, bear in mind the bathroom size (and, in fact, any room you want to put your air purifier in.) The larger the bathroom, the stronger the filtration should be. Last but not least, consider your ventilation system in the bathroom. An air purifier can pair with it but it will never fully replace the ventilation system.


You can place air purifiers in the whole house if there is such a need, and enjoy better air quality. But you have to remember some universal rules so that it wouldn’t cause more harm than support. Never place your air purifier in the corner or too close to your head while you sleep. Don’t place it below the furniture and keep the size of the room in mind.

Remember that different air purifiers have different purposes. So make sure that you’ve chosen the one that meets your needs and is properly-suited for the room in which you want to put it. Then, turn it on and enjoy the fresh and healthy air!

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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