5 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees

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Carpenter bees, like most bees, are generally harmless unless you get too close to their hive or deliberately provoke them. In fact, carpenter bees don’t actually live in hives. They live by themselves, the fertile female creates a home in wood to lay their eggs. They normally have 5 or 6 eggs and each one has a cell of its own.

The holes in wood are circular and go straight in for a short distance before turning 90), this is where the cells are created. It should be noted that they don’t eat the wood, it is simply evacuated to create a home for them and their eggs.

Unfortunately, several carpenter bees can cause significant damage to wood, especially if it is structurally important.

That’s why if you start to see the telltale circular homes appearing you need to contact your local pest control experts. They’ll help you to identify the issue and deal with it.

You can also contact the exterminators, especially if they are being a nuisance to you or you are concerned because of allergies.

Here are 5 easy steps you can take to get rid of carpenter bees:

  1. Insecticide

You may be surprised to discover that you can purchase dedicated insecticide to deal with carpenter bees over-the-counter in any stores.

The insecticide is designed to be sprayed into the carpenter bees hole, effectively sealing them in and killing them.

You can’t simply spray the bees with it!

  1. Create A Repellent

Make your own repellent by mixing 10 drops of lavender essential oil and citronella with 5 drops of jojoba and tea tree oil. Put this in a spray bottle with some water and then spray any area where you see the bees.

The bees hate the scent and will stay away although you’ll have to re-spray regularly.

  1. Paint/Treat The Wood

Carpenter bees generally prefer untreated wood. Painted or treating exposed wood will make it less appealing for them and therefore, less likely that they’ll create their nest in your yard or home.

Of course, it can be time-consuming to paint all the wood in and around your home. You may prefer to clad your home with UPVC vinyl instead.

  1. Wood Filler

Wood filler or even plastic plugs can be used to fill the entrance holes in your walls. This traps the bees inside their tunnel and deprives them of food.  They may continue to eat the wood to find an alternative way out of your home.

You’ll need to keep an eye on this but should be able to hear them moving in your walls.

It’s very important that you plug any holes for empty nests and this will decrease the likelihood of them returning the following year.

  1. The Experts

Finally, as already mentioned, simply step back and get the professionals to do what they do best. The advantage of this approach isn’t just that you won’t have to do anything. You’ll also benefit from guarantees as most reputable pest control experts will guarantee the work they’ve done.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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