Top 3 Landscaping Ideas You Will Love

Patio outdoor living space on the lake with beautiful landscape design

When you are landscaping your home, there are some great trends to consider that will make your home beautiful, sustainable, and easy to maintain. When you begin to plan your landscaping design, there are many factors that you should consider that will allow the process to go smoothly and leave you with the landscaped yard of your dreams.

1. Sustainable Design

When designing your landscaping, consider a specialized sustainable design. This means ensuring everything from the architectural landscape design to the plants you choose, will allow you to be environmentally friendly and enhance the natural landscape around you, rather than destroy it. Sustainable designs are a great way to incorporate environmentally friendly materials into your construction and will reduce the overall cost of maintaining your landscaped area once it is complete. While sustainable landscaping is a relatively modern idea, it is growing more and more popular due to environmental concerns and footprint being more in focus in today’s world.

Sustainability is important as it helps landowners and the environment and does nothing to diminish the beauty you can find in a pristinely landscaped yard.

2. Low Water Plants

One way to keep your garden sustainable is to incorporate plants that do not require significant watering. This allows you to conserve water, reduce your landscaping costs, and fully embrace the beauty of these hardy plants. This type of gardening is not only conservational but incredibly beautiful. By choosing to plant rugged plants, you are reducing the overall need for maintenance and water. This is a great way to go if you live in dryer climates, or areas prone to drought. It is also a great method to consider for hotter climates and allows you to incorporate indigenous plants into your garden area.

One way to reduce the water necessity of your garden is to create fewer spaces with grass, and rather use hardier plants such as clover, or even mulch, which requires almost zero upkeep. When designing your garden you can also incorporate rain-catching barrels into the overall decorations, to effectively terminate your watering costs, which can be incredibly high with a large water-sucking garden or lawn space. Overall anything that reduces your water usage and maintenance requirements is a great idea for your new landscaping project.

3. Keep it Simple

While you may be envisioning an immaculately landscaped area, the reality is that gardening and landscaping require immense investments of time and money. Consider keeping your design ideas innovative yet simple, to avoid becoming overwhelmed with your newly landscaped area. The more grass you plant, the more time you need to spend managing it, and the more costly will be your water bill. If you choose delicate and high-maintenance plants, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the time requirements that are needed to maintain your garden.

Green lawn enclosed by cobblestones. Tree trunk in the distance. Concept of landscape design

No matter what your goals are for your yard and garden area, you are sure to find landscaping ideas that resonate with your wants and needs. Landscaping is putting the finishing touches on your home, so make sure that the choices you make reflect your personality, and will work for you rather than against you. Consider these low-maintenance, sustainable ideas and you will soon find yourself in the landscaped space of your dreams.

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2434
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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