What are the Restricted Items When Moving Internationally?

Moving boxes with packed stuff and chair for moving

Moving to a new country is an amazing experience! There are so many things to think about and plan for, but don’t forget about the restrictions on what you can bring into your new home. Every country has different restrictions, so it’s important to do your research ahead of time. Here are some commonly restricted items when moving internationally.


One of the most common restrictions when moving internationally is with taking your pets. There are a lot of factors to consider when moving your furry friend abroad with you.

The first step is to research the country’s import requirements for pets. Every country has different regulations, so it is important to be aware of these before you make any decisions. Once you have done your research and are aware of the specific requirements, you can begin making preparations.

You can also research the different ways to move your pet overseas. Just like there are companies that specialize in car transport, there are also companies that specialize in pet transport. You can trust your best friend to one of these companies and they will see to it that they are tested with utmost care and respect.

If you are moving with a dog, one of the things you will need to do is make sure they are up to date on their vaccinations. You will also need to get a health certificate from your veterinarian that states that your dog is in good health and does not have any contagious diseases.

Cats are a little bit easier to move with, as they do not require any vaccinations in most cases. However, you will still need to get a health certificate from your veterinarian. It is also a good idea to have your cat microchipped, as this will help them be identified if they happen to escape during the move or become lost in their new surroundings.

Moving can be a stressful time for both you and your pet, but by being prepared and doing your research ahead of time, you can make sure that the transition goes as smoothly as possible.


One thing you might not have considered is which plants you can and can’t bring with you when you move. That’s right—just like there are restrictions on bringing certain food items into the country, there are also restrictions on which plants you can bring in. This is because some plants can carry diseases or pests that can be harmful to the local ecosystem and it can cause disruption to your moving plans if you aren’t in the know about this.

So, before you start packing up your green thumb to take with you on your international move, read on for a list of the top 5 plants you can’t bring into the country.

1. Cacti

You might not think that cacti would be on this list, but they actually pose a serious risk to local ecosystems. Cacti can harbor diseases and pests that can infect other plants, and they can also interfere with agriculture. For these reasons, it’s best to leave your cacti at home when moving abroad.

2. Bonsai Trees

Bonsai trees are another type of plant that can carry diseases and pests. They can also interfere with agriculture, as they can compete with crops for resources like water and sunlight. For these reasons, bonsai trees are also restricted from being brought into many countries.

3. Orchids

Orchids are a beautiful type of plant, but they’re also one of the most commonly smuggled plants in the world. This is because they’re often used in illegal trade operations. Orchids are also known to carry diseases and pests, which is why they’re restricted in many countries.

4. Succulents

Succulents are similar to cacti in that they can harbor diseases and pests that can infect other plants. They’re also known to interfere with agriculture, as they can compete with crops for resources like water and sunlight. For these reasons, succulents are also restricted from being brought into many countries.

5. Ficus Trees

Ficus trees are yet another type of plant that can carry diseases and pests. They’re also known to interfere with agriculture, as they can compete with crops for resources like water and sunlight. For these reasons, ficus trees are restricted from being brought into many countries


When moving internationally, there will also be restrictions on the food you can bring with you. This includes both fresh food and packaged food. Many countries have strict rules about what kinds of food can be imported in order to protect their own agricultural industry. So, if you’re hoping to bring your grandma’s famous chili recipe with you when you move, you may want to check the regulations first!


Another common restriction when moving internationally is alcohol. Each country has its own rules and regulations about how much alcohol you can bring into the country and whether or not you have to pay taxes on it. So, if you’re planning on bringing your favorite bottle of wine with you when you move, be sure to do your research ahead of time!

Moving internationally is a big undertaking, but it’s also an incredibly exciting experience! Just be sure to do your research ahead of time so you know what items are restricted in your destination country. And don’t forget to consult with a professional if you have any questions!

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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