3 Ways To Encourage More Sellers To Work With Your Real Estate Agency

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If you’re a real estate agent who’s either just getting started with your business or is anxious to get more clients to work with you or your agency, it can often be hard to know how to find the right people to work with and how to market to those people. But luckily, if you’re willing to put in the effort, there are plenty of things you can do to reach this objective.

To help you see just how this can be done, here are three ways to encourage more sellers to work with your real estate agency. 

Keep In Touch With Your Network

One of the best ways to find people who want you to help them sell their home is to tap into the network you already have in your area. However, you can’t just rely on them to remember you when the time comes that they need the services you offer. What you have to do is ensure that you’re always the first person they think of when they have a need that you can fill. 

To help you do this, make a commitment to reach out to your network on a regular basis. You can give them advice, updates on what’s going on with the housing market in your area, or exciting news that’s on the horizon for you. By doing this, you can grow your business by getting referrals from your network as they reach out to people within their own networks. 

Show The Value In What You’re Offering

Because people won’t usually need the services of a real estate agent on a regular basis, you’ll have to show your value in other ways if you’re wanting to grow your business and get more clients. 

With all of your community connections, you can offer a unique value to people who need local services, like cleaning services, financial services, and more. To help people within your community to know that you have these services and that you can offer them value in their daily lives apart from buying or selling property, you should try to get more involved in your community through volunteering or participating in events. 

Try Influencer Marketing

In almost every market, there’s likely at least one person who you could reach out to in order to try influencer marketing. Even in a small town, there’s probably someone that everyone knows and respects, and this is the person that you should try to get as an influencer for your business. 

As you reach out to this person and create an influencer marketing strategy with them, you should be able to get exposure to people that you may not have found on your own, as the influencer will leverage their own online following to bring you more business.

If you’re wanting to sell more homes through your real estate agency, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find more clients in this area.  

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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