8 Benefits of Having a Smart Home in 2023

A tablet with smart home screen.
A tablet with smart home screen.

As some people term luxury as something you didn’t know you needed until you tried it, the same goes for smart homes. You don’t know what you’re missing out on if you haven’t already tried at least one smart home appliance. Although the true benefits of having a smart home are unlocked once you’ve automated most of the things at your home.

We’ve put together a list of eight such benefits of having a smart home in 2023. Read on to learn how the internet and the Internet of Things (IoT) can significantly improve your lifestyle. Before we get to the specifics, take a moment to evaluate the quality of your internet connection.

Having a fast and highly reliable internet allows your smart devices to effortlessly communicate with each other and keep you updated in real-time wherever you are. Consider upgrading to CenturyLink internet because of its higher speeds, unlimited data, and no contracts. Once that’s sorted, you can start exploring how smart home devices can add value to your life. Read on to know more.

1. Interconnectivity

Naturally, the biggest advantage of having multiple smart devices is the interconnectivity between these devices. All these devices are meant to work together in coherence to assist you in managing your home. For example, most smart home device manufacturers offer an accompanying mobile app that lets you all your devices from your phone. This includes smart cameras, thermostats, motion sensors, smart lights, and more.

2. Remote monitoring and check-ins

Since smart devices are connected to the internet 24/7, you can access your home appliances from anywhere as long as you have a working internet connection. Not only does this help save money, but also keeps you informed of any emergency situation. For example, you can get an alert for when someone is at your front door and talk to them remotely. If it’s a burglar, you can notify the authorities right away, thus saving valuables and other people at your home.

3. Personalization

We’re all different people with individual preferences, which is just like how it should be. With a smart home, you can customize your home around your routine and preferences to give you a more pleasant and comfortable experience. Some smart devices learn your usage pattern over time and manage themselves smartly to increase efficiency and save money on utility bills.

4. Increased safety and real-time monitoring

With the right equipment, you can fortify your security manifolds. If your work involves a lot of out-of-station traveling, or you’re away from your home, you don’t need to worry about your house security with these devices. Smart doorbells and smart cameras that are activated with motion and sound can notify you when there is someone so you can take prompt action.

Taking things a step further, these devices can be programmed to alert the authorities in case you miss the updates. Moreover, all this is happening in real-time without any lag so your security is never compromised.

5. Health and wellness tracking

This is another area where smart devices and the Internet of Things have made significant improvements. Elderly care can get challenging because you can’t tend to your elderly loved ones all the time because of work and other engagements. This is where smart wellness technologies can assist you in taking care of your elderly loved ones.

6. Energy and utilities management

Sometimes we just don’t have the kind of energy to get up and turn off all the lights before going to bed because we’ve had a long day at work. This is completely fine and you shouldn’t have to when you can just as easily summon the genie, or your smart assistant, and just tell it to turn off the lights. You can do the same for electrical appliances as well. For example, if you don’t have a smart TV, you can install a smart plug, which you can control using your smartphone.

7. Video Motion detection

If your smart cameras and lights always stay on, it can increase your electricity consumption. It also increases the requirement of having a dedicated large storage for these devices to store data on and consumes more time when you’re reviewing the footage. Consider looking into cameras with video motion detection (VMD) technology that only notifies you when it detects physical movement, thus saving battery, time, and money.

8. Video analytics technologies

This is when another layer of smart analytics is added on top of the regular layer of smart security. For example, you wouldn’t want to be alerted every time the camera picks up on movement even when it’s a mouse or a raccoon. This is where this advanced technology can help the device discern between human and non-human entities. It won’t notify you when it’s just an animal passing by but will alert you if it’s a human.


This concludes some of the top benefits of having a smart home. Now you know why you should invest in these devices. Having a smart home can not only add to your comfort but also improve your home security. Remember to do your own research before investing in anything and make sure you know what you’re getting.

Sources: https://www.gensecurity.com/blog/benefits-of-smart-home-technology

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Bella Duckworth

Bella Duckworth

Total posts created: 2377
“Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space… On the one hand, it’s about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure.” – Zaha Hadid

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