Three Generation House 11

Three Generation House: Two Separate Apartments with Contrast Facades for A Family with Two Households

Designed for a family with two households, Three Generation House offers two separate apartments for a family comprising of two households. Located in Buiksloterham, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, this project is about creating a building for both families so they can enjoy each other’s company without sacrificing private family life advantages. While the building’s contrasting façades are emphasized by the gradient in the building’s plan.

Blue House 6

Blue House: A Colorful House with Large Openings and Bright Interiors

This colorful house celebrates undeniably and individuality, reflecting the clients’ colorful personalities. Started in 2015 and completed in 2017, Blue House is an expression of the hyper-personal located in Buiksloterham, Amsterdam, Dutch. It is enveloped in Yves Klein Blue with Build-It-Yourself architecture designed by BETA Office. The large openings and bright interiors are combined to provide comfortable and fun atmospheres.